Welcome to the Foldable Aquifer Project. Please feel free to explore, download, and build these paper aquifer models. Let us know how you are using them. We are always interested in improving our tools to help people conceptualize and quantify groundwater flow.
The Basics
Hydraulic Head
Hydraulic Head Across Aquifers (Easy)
Hydraulic Head Across Aquifers (Hard)
Darcy’s Law
Average Linear Velocity of Groundwater
Darcy’s Law and Radial Coordinates
Groundwater Flow Between Wells
Hydraulic Conductivity
Effective Hydraulic Conductivity: The basics
Classic Transmissivity Problem
Well Hydraulics
Quantifying Hydraulic Conductivity: Slug Test
Steady State Pumping: Thiem Equation
Pumping near a constant head boundary
Pumping near a no flow boundary
Image well and max pumping rate
Impact on wetland from groundwater withdrawal
*I am working on posting solutions to the above problems. If you would like to access these solutions please feel free to e-mail me and I can send you the password to the solutions pages. As I have stated before, this is a bit of a “side show”, which I am working on nights and weekends. It is going to take me some time to get all solutions posted. Thanks for your patience, – Chris
**In the process of working on this project we have become aware of several other paper folding geology project that are really cool. You can check them out on the links below:
If you are interested in seeing how these paper models have been used in the classroom you can check out a paper written by some of our current users: Groundwater origami: Folding paper models to visualize groundwater flow

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.